pupe. dunno wut to do :c (drew)

sooooo im very bored. so i just wanted to show/say some things :D.

  1. I haven’t been busy with requests (chip chop! pm me!) 
  2. My name isn’t drew
  3. Its Le YatYat*
  4. See that * it means its mine >:]
  5. I play era 
  6. I play classic 
  7. this is the 41st post 😮
  8. im super bored. 
  9. pm me on graal, shall you?
  10. Heres a body preview
  11. may as well work on the heads 
  12. and the body
  13. um so here
  14. going for twenty
  15. lalalalalala
  16. amyeh and pengu play era, atleast i think. 
  17. dolly stuff is stolen 24.7
  18. return it
  19. its not yours
  20. im done here Imagelike it? 

Which one do you like?

Which one do you like best?

The Dolly- (right) I found a template for the hair, then I found a face template. Simple

The Blondie- (left)  I found it on Lucy’s website. Then recolored it and recolored eyes. Simple

Now that you know a little bit about them, can you choose the one you want?

Here are the pictures,

ScreenShotBlondiCutie Screen shot 2013-11-17 at 10.48.57 AM



Hey Guys/Gurlies (Drew)

Sorry I haven’t been committed for awhile. Finally, I’ve been thinking…. I’ll post some stuff. Sometimes 🙂 So heres just a little view of the new head I’m working on. It’s adorable. The eyes look good with hair but they seem a little bright… comment if ya like!

Also I joined Era. Im addicted to it. Classic got pretty boring!! So ya… 
